

Howard Land By Howard Land

If you’re dealing with inflammation, you’re not alone.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than one in five American adults suffers from some form of arthritis, which is inflammation of the joints.

Inflammation can also occur in other body parts, such as the lungs, heart, and skin. While there are many possible causes of inflammation, diet is often a factor.

Here are 13 foods that have been shown to aggravate inflammation. Avoiding them may help reduce your symptoms.

What is chronic inflammation?

Inflammation is a response by the body’s immune system to infection or injury. The goal of inflammation is to remove the injury’s cause and start the healing process.

However, when inflammation persists for long periods, it can damage healthy tissue and lead to serious health problems. This is known as chronic inflammation.

Chronic inflammation can be caused by several factors, including autoimmune diseases, infections, and certain lifestyle choices.

Chronic inflammation can lead to serious health complications, including heart disease, cancer, and arthritis.

Early diagnosis and treatment are essential for managing chronic inflammation and minimizing the risk of long-term health problems.

GMO Corn:


Old corn is a nutritious and healthy grain. The genetically modified corn we find in grocery stores and processed foods is not.

Corn is one of the most genetically engineered foods. It is also the most prone to produce pesticide residues. 

Glyphosate is a pesticide farmer spray widely used on genetically modified crops. 

By killing beneficial intestinal bacteria, glyphosate can multiply bad bacteria. This triggers an inflammatory response and causes joint pain. 

This herbicide can cause many digestive diseases, such as Inflammatory bowel and celiac disease. Find them in regular baked goods, cereals, breakfast bars, processed meats, and corn syrup.

Substitution: Buy organic corn or substitute small vegetables like peas and beans.

Common Cooking Oils:

Common Cooking Oil

Vegetable oil in many homes and restaurants Contains very high omega-6 fatty acids and much lower omega-3 fats.

Excessive consumption of omega-6s Triggers the production of pro-inflammatory chemicals, causing serious damage to your body. 

Find them in polyunsaturated vegetable oils (e.g., grapeseed), Cottonseed, safflower, corn, and sunflower oil. Also, soybean oil and peanut oil.

These oils are commonly used in processed foods, baked goods, fast food, and fried foods. 

Substitution: Macadamia oil, extra virgin olive oil, or avocado oil. When in doubt, the best cooking oil is coconut oil.



Excessive sugar intake can cause tooth decay and increase the risk of obesity, Inflammation, and chronic diseases such as metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes. 

Sugar can also nourish harmful bacteria and cancer cells, making your immune system difficult. Too much sugar and acid directly lead to inflammation.

Find them in the following beverages: sugary drinks, such as sodas, fruit drinks, and punches. There are also desserts such as pastries, candies, and snacks. 

Alternative: Choose natural sweeteners such as maple syrup, agave, honey, or black belt molasses. 

If your sweet tooth is bothering you, please snack on some fresh berries, Or all-natural dried fruits to solve your cravings. 

Processed sugar and sweetener trigger The release of inflammatory “messengers” called cytokines. 

Especially a kind of corn syrup can cause liver inflammation And cause non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. 

Find them in the following locations: sweets and processed foods.

Pay attention to corn syrup, glucose, fructose, golden syrup, maltose, sorghum syrup, and sucrose. 

Substitution: Skip artificial materials and go for all-natural sweets such as dates and honey. To keep calories low, choose Stevia instead of Splenda.

Trans fats:

Trans Fats

Trans fatty acids for their double-hit effects: They increase the level of “bad” cholesterol while reducing the level of “good” cholesterol. 

They also increase inflammation. The Harvard School of Public Health warned that trans fats were dangerous in the early 1990s. 

Saturated fat is not much better.

They trigger inflammation of fatty tissues. This is not only an indicator of heart disease but also aggravates inflammation of arthritis. 

Find them in the following locations: fried foods, fast food, baked goods, frozen foods, and margarine. 

Alternative: Choose products that do not contain trans fats, Partially hydrogenated oil, or vegetable shortening. If in doubt, please assume that all commercial foods contain trans fats Unless otherwise indicated.

Dairy products:

13 Foods That Cause Inflammation 1

As many as 60% of the world’s population cannot digest milk.

Many researchers believe that being able to digest milk beyond infancy is abnormal, Not the other way around. 

Milk is an allergen that can cause inflammation, such as stomach upset and constipation, Diarrhea, rash, acne, urticaria, and breathing difficulties in susceptible people. 

In addition, hormones, pesticides, and antibiotics fed to cows will enter the milk, Complicating the problem. 

In addition to milk products such as butter and cheese, some foods hide dairy products.

The content includes bread, biscuits, cakes, cream sauce, protein powder, and boxed cereals.

Non-organic meat:

13 Foods That Cause Inflammation 2

Commercially prepared meat comes from animals, fed grains such as soybeans and corn, and A diet rich in inflammatory omega-6 fatty acids but low in anti-inflammatory omega-3 fats. 

They are also loaded with antibiotics and hormones to protect them from infections And speed up the reproduction rate. 

Find them at: Unless otherwise stated, most (if not all) beef. The pork and poultry you find in supermarkets and restaurants come from feedlots. 

Replace Free-range organic meat from animals with a natural diet fed with grass and vegetables.

Processed meat:

Processed Meat

The processed meat is cured, cured, smoked, or other cured meat. It usually contains added nitrates, corn products, Soy, preservative, and coloring agent. 

These ingredients make foods highly toxic and carcinogenic. It’s hard to swallow now!

Find them in ham, hot dogs, sausages, luncheon meats, bacon, and sausages. Instead: eat fresh meat, poultry, fish, or organic alternatives, such as smoked salmon or beef jerky.



Regular alcohol consumption causes irritation and inflammation of the esophagus, throat, and liver.

Over time, chronic inflammation can lead to tumor growth at the site of repeated irritation. 

Find them in the following locations: beer, cider, liquor, liqueur, and wine.

Substitute: like a pure refreshing drink, Filter water, tea, or freshly squeezed juice.

Refined grains:

Refined Grains

Many grains we eat today are genetically modified, Processed, and contaminated by herbicides and pesticides. 

Some grains (such as wheat) are refined and can cause serious consequences. Symptoms similar to allergies occur in most people.

More importantly, the wheat is bleached, and the nutrients are removed. It was later added in the form of synthetic vitamins and minerals. This is why most white flours are marked as “rich.” 

In addition, like refined sugar, the glycemic index of refined grains is higher than that of unprocessed grains. It can accelerate the onset of degenerative diseases.

Find them in white flour, bread, noodles, pasta, biscuits, and pastries.

Alternative: choose ancient healthy grains such as ancient dishes Quinoa, spelled, rye, millet, buckwheat, and chia. 

Most health food stores are whole grain or prepared whole grain flour.

MSG (monosodium glutamate):

Monosodium Glutamate

It is a preservative and food additive that can enhance the flavor of processed foods. It contains fermented starch, corn sugar, molasses, sugar cane, and beets. 

MSG sensitivity can cause headaches and other symptoms Facial pressure, drowsiness and numbness, and tingling sensation in the face, back, and arms. 

Other reactions to MSG may include flushing, sweating, chest pain, and weakness. 

Find them in the following locations: MSG is very popular in store-bought Asian and Asian-prepared food restaurants. It is even found that “MSG-free” restaurants are using this ingredient. 

Substitute: Use a little salt and pepper to enhance the food, or use spices to increase the flavor. 

If you are unsure whether your favorite Chinese restaurant uses this ingredient, Cooking Asian cuisine at home.

Refined salts:

Refined Salts

Sodium is essential for nerve and muscle function, blood pressure regulation, etc. But too much can cause high blood pressure, Kidney problems, low bone density, inflammation, and retention of body fluids. 

The body’s excess sodium is released through sweat and urine. 

A study found that high salt intake is associated with Enhance inflammation and target organ damage. ” Unlike raw salt, edible salt” is heated at extreme temperatures and contains suspicious additives. 

Find them in processed foods, fast food, and almost everything restaurants offer. 

Substitution: Use natural unrefined sea salt or Himalayan salt instead of iodized salt. Don’t use extra salt, but use spices and herbs to taste.

Fill in the Blank:

Food Intolerance

Why is it blank? Because this is for you to fill in your sensitive foods. Many people are sensitive to certain foods but don’t know them. 

Unlike food allergies, food allergies usually attack quickly and violently. Symptoms caused by food intolerance may take longer to show up.

Therefore, when symptoms of food intolerance do occur, They are often cleared as common mild illnesses such as fatigue and headaches. 

But repeated long-term exposure to irritating food Can cause inflammation and lead to chronic diseases. 

Find them in the following foods: Common food allergens are gluten, milk, nuts, eggs, and nightshades. 

Contrary to popular belief, You may be allergic to the foods you eat regularly. 

Alternative: If you suspect that certain food may cause your food intolerance To respond, please try to avoid it completely for about two weeks and monitor your reaction.

Food is reintroduced into the diet at the end of the abstinence period. If you are Incompatible with it, you should be able to notice a difference in how you feel at ease.


There, 13 foods that cause inflammation should be avoided. To control inflammation, you must address its root cause. Cut off foods that promote inflammation, and add foods that fight inflammation.

First, change canola oil to olive oil or coconut oil Season with turmeric and anti-inflammatory herbs. 

Focus on unprocessed whole foods and maintain moisture. 

Finally, pay attention to your health by exercising regularly and reducing stress. 

The most important thing is to ensure 7-9 hours of sleep. Help your body restore health at night and reduce inflammation every day.

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My name is Land, and I am a lazy chef, I like to make easy meals that don't take usually more than 30 minutes or less. I am so excited to give the best and fast recipes from around the world to help you. Follow along on this blog where I share most of my recipes.
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