Healthy Food

9 Potential Health Benefits of Collagen

Collagen supplements are becoming a more popular way to improve overall health.

Collagen is a protein essential for the body to create new cells and muscles. But did you know that collagen also has some surprising health benefits?

Here are 9 potential health benefits of collagen supplements:


What Is Collagen?

Collagen is a protein found in the skin, cartilage, tendons, and bones.

Collagen is responsible for maintaining the skin’s structure and helps protect it against damage. It also plays a role in wound healing, as well as helping to keep the joints healthy.

Collagen helps to produce collagen fibers in the skin. The production of collagen fibers gives the skin its strength and elasticity.

Collagen is also found in cartilage and tendons. These areas of the body are where most individuals experience damage if they suffer from arthritis or tendinitis.

If you have any pain in these two areas of your body, it may be a sign that your body is not making enough collagen.

Supplements help to replace what is lost naturally as a result of aging:

According to Angelone, collagen is the “glue” that ties your body together. According to research, it makes up around one-third of the protein in your body.


According to her, the problem is that your body begins to produce less collagen in your thirties and forties.

When added to your diet, collagen peptides may assist in repairing what your body loses as you get older while also boosting your overall health.

Collagen Is a Protein That Is Easy to Digest:

According to Lachman, your body works hard to absorb protein from sources like chicken or beef. Some people may experience digestive symptoms such as burping or stomach soreness after meals.

Collagen supplements, on the other hand, are hydrolyzed, which means the collagen has been broken down to make it simpler to absorb. She claims collagen supplements could be a more practical way to add protein to your diet.

After hydrolyzing, collagen peptides can dissolve in water, making them simple to use in everyday foods (like water or smoothies).

Collagen Improves Skin Elasticity and Smooths Wrinkles:

According to Lachman, skin health is the most well-researched benefit of collagen supplementation.

In a January 2019 study published in the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology, researchers looked at 11 randomized, placebo-controlled studies, including over 800 individuals who took up to 10 grams (g) of collagen per day to improve skin health. What were the results?

The supplements were discovered to improve skin suppleness, moisture retention, and collagen fiber density in the skin. “A tiny scoop of ten grams every day,” adds Lachman, “and it could be a small step toward staying young.”

Collagen may help to alleviate joint aches and pains:

Joint pain might make exercising difficult, preventing you from meeting your fitness goals. A collagen supplement to help you get back on track may be beneficial. “There is some evidence that collagen can be good for maintaining connective tissues and lowering joint pain after exercise,” according to Angelone.

A study published in January 2017 in the journal Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism found that athletes with knee pain who took 5 g of collagen peptides daily for 12 weeks had less joint pain during activity than those who got a placebo.

Oral collagen has been shown to help cartilage mend while functioning as an anti-inflammatory.

Oral Supplements May Promote Gut Health:

Inflammatory digestive illnesses, such as irritable bowel disease, are thought to benefit from collagen (IBD).

According to some research, collagen levels are observed to be decreased in patients with certain illnesses. Collagen consumption can aid in the recovery of a deficiency, according to Lachman.

Collagen May Be Beneficial to Your Heart:

Collagen May Buoy Your Heart Health

Coffee with collagen may also be good for your heart. In a small uncontrolled open-label trial published in the Journal of Atherosclerosis and Thrombosis in May 2017, 32 people were given a collagen tripeptide twice a day.

After six months, indicators of atherosclerosis (plaque buildup in arterial walls), such as cholesterol and vascular stiffness, had improved. (Coronary artery disease, or CAD, occurs when atherosclerosis affects the arteries that lead to your heart, according to the Mayo Clinic.)

According to studies, collagen may help strengthen blood vessel walls, lessening artery disease risk.

Peptides Can Help You Keep Your Bones Healthy:

According to the National Osteoporosis Foundation, bone mineral density declines with age, especially after menopause.

In a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind study of 102 postmenopausal women, those who took collagen peptides for a year had higher bone mineral density than those in the control group.

Researchers speculated that this happened because collagen boosted bone synthesis while reducing bone loss, according to a study published in Nutrients in January 2018.

Collagen May Be Beneficial For Joint Pain:

There are numerous types of collagen, according to an article published in Molecules in November 2019.

According to Lachman, type 1 (found in beef) benefits your skin, while type 2 (found in chicken) may be better for arthritic joint stiffness. Joints are made up of cartilage, which is mainly collagen.

Patients with knee osteoarthritis who took acetaminophen plus type 2 collagen had a greater quality of life than those who took the drug alone, according to a study published in the Eurasian Journal of Medicine in June 2016.

However, research is contradictory, and no definitive result has been reached. Lachman recommends buying a supplement with multiple animal collagen types for the most benefits.

Collagen Will Not Assist You In Losing Weight:

Protein must be consumed in sufficient amounts to maintain a healthy diet.

The nutrient is needed to help your body develop muscle. This lean tissue burns calories more efficiently than fat (meaning it leads to a faster metabolism, according to the Mayo Clinic).

When talking about collagen, it’s crucial to remember the following: It can’t be the only change you make to your diet and lifestyle. “Adding collagen powder to a high-sugar, refined-carbohydrate, calorie-dense diet will not help you lose weight,” Lachman continues.

Conclusion :

Collagen is a hot topic in the health and wellness world right now.

Though it’s been around for centuries, collagen has recently garnered attention for its potential health benefits.

Have you tried adding collagen to your diet?

If not, why not give it a try?

You may be surprised at how good you feel after incorporating this nutrient-rich protein into your diet.

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